
Use these forms to record the safety checking process.

  • Consistent robust safety checking helps assess whether people might pose a risk to children.
  • All children’s workers who have access to children are safety checked in accordance with the Children Act 2014.
  • Safety checks must be undertaken and the results obtained before the worker has access to children.
  • The results of the safety checks must be recorded and the record kept as long as the person is employed at the service.

Record of Full Safety Check

Record of Periodic Safety Check

MoE Guidance for Safety checking

Safety Checking Regulations 2015

MoE Exemplar Forms

Record of Practicum Student Safety check

Record of Safety Checking Interview

Record of Referee Check

Investigation Report

Teaching Council Mandatory Report

Exemplar Child Protection Policy (May 23)

Exemplar Safety Checking Policy (June 2023)

Exemplar Reporting Process Flow Chart (June 2023)

Guidance for making an effective Report of Concern

Child Safety Team (as referred to in the CP Policy Pg. 10)

Exemplar Child Protection Policy for Te Kohanga Reo (April 2024)

Exemplar Reporting Process Flow chart for Te Kohanga Reo (April 2024)

Exemplar Emergency Management Plan (TKR) (April 2024)

Teaching for Positive Behaviour (Policy)